iPhone 4S: Die ersten Testberichte sind online



Heute Nacht ist das Embargo für das iPhone 4S in den USA abgelaufen und so hat uns heute Morgen schon die erste Welle von Testberichten des neuen iPhone erreicht. Ich habe mir noch nicht alle Testberichte im Detail durchgelesen, beim Aufbau, dem Inhalt, den Schwerpunkten und dem Fazit am Ende gleichen sie sich jedoch. Das neue iPhone sieht gleich aus, ist aber schneller, hat eine bessere Kamera und das wichtigste Feature dürfte Siri sein. John Gruber schreibt folgende Einleitung:

This is the easiest product review I’ve ever written. The iPhone 4S is exactly what Apple says it is: just like the iPhone 4, but noticeably faster, with a significantly improved camera, and an impressive new voice-driven feature called Siri.

Kurze Randinfo: Der A5-Prozessor soll nur mit 800 MHz getaktet sein und wie sein Vorgänger besitzt das 4S nur 512 MB RAM. Eine ausführliche Demo von Siri und weitere Meinungen und Testberichtw bekommt ihr nach dem Break.

John Gruber:

The iPhone 4 was my favorite product that Apple has ever made. The iPhone 4S has all the best features of the iPhone 4 — same look, same feel, same Retina Display — and adds several significant improvements. The one and only disappointment I have with the iPhone 4S is that the shutdown spinner animation is still low-res. That’s pretty low on the list of nits to pick.

The Verge:

For this review, I returned to the iPhone after a fairly long period of using and testing other devices. Spending a week with Apple’s newest phone, I’m reminded again of just what makes the company’s products so special. It’s not specs, services, or apps. This phone is not perfect. Certainly it can be improved. But there is something here, beyond the screen and CPU, beyond iCloud, something under the surface. Some intangible spark. Is this the best phone ever made? That’s debatable. But I can tell you this: the iPhone 4S is pretty damn cool.


I’m happy that Apple decided not to change the form factor even though they had to know there would be some backlash from a certain segment of the population. Instead, Apple focused on the other thing they do best: refining already great products to make them better. The iPhone 4 was a great product. The best smartphone ever made. Now it cedes that title to the iPhone 4S.


The iPhone 4S is one of Apple’s less dramatic updates, but, when combined with the Siri, iOS 5 and iCloud features, it presents an attractive new offering to smartphone users. Some may be content to skip the new hardware and just enjoy the software and cloud features with older models. But those buying the phone will likely be happy with it.

Jason Snell unterhält sich 11 Minuten lang mit Siri

The Loop:

You can look at each of the items that Apple will release in conjunction with the iPhone and be amazed with how innovative all of them are. When you put them all together in one product like the iPhone 4S, you have an incredibly successful product that other companies just can’t compete with.


The iPhone 4S looks exactly the same as its predecessor — but who cares? If it was shaped even slightly differently or came in a new color, people would still go nuts over the stuff that’s more important anyway: the insides. And both inside and out, this is a magnificent smartphone.


There will undoubtedly be smartphones with faster processors, or more megapixels to their cameras, or high-speed 4G connectivity, or bigger, better resolution displays, but it’s difficult to imagine any of them competing with the joined-up ecosystem Apple now offers. Challenging the iPhone isn’t just about creating one single, better smartphone, but a portfolio of consistent products and services. The iPhone 4S may look the same as before, but it arguably represents just as much of a shift in the industry as the original iPhone ever did.

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