Nokia Lumia 1020: Erste Testberichte des „besten Kamera-Smartphones“ sind da



Das Nokia Lumia 1020 ist seit dieser Woche exklusiv in den USA beim Netzbetreiber AT&T erhältlich und pünktlich zum Verkaufsstart ist auch das Embargo gefallen und die ersten US-Webseiten haben ihren Testbericht zum Gerät veröffentlichen dürfen. Das Fazit fällt eigentlich überall gleich aus: Nokia hat aktuell das beste Kamera-Smartphone auf dem Markt. Allerdings gibt es auch zwei Nachteile: Der doch recht hohe Preis bei AT&T, der mit 300 Dollar plus Vertrag durchaus riskant angesetzt ist und dann eben die alte Diskussion rund um WIndows Phone. Viele wünschen sich immer noch Android. Das Resultat ist allerdings immer das gleiche. Wenn euch Windows Phone mittlerweile zusagt und ihr Wert auf eine gute Kamera im Smartphone legt, dann ist das Lumia 1020 euer Kandidat. Ob das ausreicht, wird sich dann in den Verkaufszahlen zeigen. In Deutschland wird das Gerät wohl ab September im Einzelhandel erhältlich sein, einen ersten Eindruck des Nokia Lumia 1020 gab es allerdings auch schon hier im Blog.

Nokia Lumia 1020 Testberichte

Throughout my entire time with the device, I kept coming back to Stephen Elop. He told the Guardian that Nokia picked Windows Phone because it feared Samsung would come to dominate the Android market, and that Nokia wouldn’t be able to compete. I disagree. The 1020, plus all the sharing options and apps that Google’s OS brings, could be a ridiculously compelling phone. I’d happily carry a big phone that gave me a perfect camera, but right now with the 1020 I’m carrying a big phone running a third-place OS just for the imaging prowess.

The Verge

It’s the Lumia 1020’s high-octane shooter — along with Nokia’s custom camera app — that defines this next marquee Windows 8 phone, and that gives mobile photographers a reason to salivate. In the 1020, Nokia pushes the smartphone camera envelope with a combination of raw image-capturing prowess and close-cropping capability that makes it one of the most artistically able smartphone cameras we’ve tested.


While Windows Phone has come a long ways since its days as a nascent OS, Android and iOS users — many of whom likely content with the selection of apps and services currently offered to them — will need to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Plenty of flagship phones have really good cameras. They just aren’t this good. So is it worth leaving your comfort zone and forging a new path to imaging bliss? If taking fabulous glamour shots are that important to you, the decision to switch (or not to switch) has never been so tempting.


Needless to say, the Nokia Lumia 1020 would’ve been a device thought to be impossible a couple of years ago, but here we are checking out a smartphone with an insane 41-megapixel camera attached to it – plus, it’s considerably better looking in design than the 808 PureView. Let’s cut to the chase here folks, this is hand down, without question, the absolute best camera phone on the market. It’s undoubtedly a point and shoot replacement in every way imaginable, seeing that it delivers in its features set, quality, and precision control, to capture the utmost best photos. Unlike its PureView cousin, the Lumia 1020 greatly benefits with Windows Phone’s always sprawling ecosystem, which at times might put off power users, but heck, it’s still able to please a wide audience.


Whether or not you feel like embracing the Lumia 1020 may depend on how much you value the camera. Is it enough to trap yourself into using Windows Phone 8 on AT&T for the next two years? The camera is good and will stand the test of time over that period, but if smartphone photography is only of tangential interest to you, then it’s probably not worth it.


If you’re cool with Windows Phone and you want the communication device in your pocket to take superior photos, definitely get this phone. For a few years now, Nokia has been developing its design and technology to make this exact product: The smartphone that people who want to take good pictures will buy. Here it is.


Overall, the Nokia Lumia 1020 looks like the new smartphone camera to beat. No, the $299 price isn’t cheap, but this handset’s 41-MP sensor gives shutterbugs incredibly sharp detail and beautiful color in a variety of situations. Like other phones cameras, the 1020 can fall prey to acclimating for exposure and unbalanced color accuracy. But that’s where the Pro Cam app comes in with its various manual controls. To us, the Nokia Lumia 1020 represents an imaging triumph that further narrows the gap between smartphones and dedicated cameras.


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