Dropbox mit großem Update für Windows 10 PC- und Mobile-App


Für die Windows 10-Version seiner App hat der Cloudspeicher-Riese Dropbox nun ein ausgesprochen umfangreiches Update für Heimrechner und Smartphones veröffentlicht.

Neu hinzugekommen sind unter anderem die lang ersehnte Undo-Funktion und Benachrichtigungen. Die komplette Liste der Änderungen liest sich im Original wie folgt:

  • Undo copy, delete, move, and rename actions – When you copy, delete, move, rename a file, a toast will appear. You can swipe to remove it or click undo to undo your action
  • Notifications view – Retrieve all your notifications in this view, including preview of comments, be able to browse a folder not in your Dropbox
  • Transitions and animations – New page transitions and animations based on GPU (new Windows 10 API)
  • New small UI for Desktop/tablet – A new UI has been added for desktop/tablet, displayed when the window width is between 360px and 500px (before: 500px was the minimum width for the app). This new UI will allow users to decrease a little more the size of the window and is based on the phone UI (with some little tweaks to replace the missing physical back button for example)
  • New Search UI – All results include a mini breadcrumbs, very interesting to distinct 2 files with the same name + allow you to navigate in parent folders. This new feature has been added to Offline tab too. Another new feature is the possibility to navigate in the search, if you click on the page header, you can now select a parent folder to extend your search to this folder.
  • New “add” button
  • In-app camera to take pictures and record videos + upload them in the current folder
  • Include comments in Recents – include a preview of the comment
  • Video timestamps added to Photos view
  • The Photo tab is now updated in real time
  • Performance improvement along with improve background upload.

Alles in Allem sind viele wirklich nützliche Neuerungen dazu gekommen, die In-App-Kamera finde ich persönlich im Rahmen einer Cloudspeicher-App allerdings fehl am Platz.


[quelle]via WPXBOX[/quelle]

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