Fitbit Force: Rückrufaktion wegen Hautproblemen



Aufgrund ansteigender Berichte über Hautirritationen startet Fitbit für das Force-Armband nun eine Rückrufaktion.

Neben der eingeleiteten Rückrufaktion stoppte Fitbit auch den Verkauf des Force. Der Grund hierfür sind Berichte, die sich in letzter Zeit häuften, in denen von Hautirritationen die Rede ist. Laut Fitbit-CEO James Park haben zwar „lediglich 1,7% der Nutzer“ Erfahrungen mit solchen Hautproblemen gemeldet, allerdings scheint diese Zahl bereits zu genügen, um Fitbit zu dieser Aktion zu bewegen.

Offenbar handelt es sich bei den berichteten Hautproblemen und allergische Reaktionen mit Hautentzündungen als Folge. Fitbit bietet im Rahmen der Rückrufaktion die Erstattung des Kaufpreises (130 US-Dollar), zur Durchführung wurde eine gesonderte Webseite erstellt.

I co-founded Fitbit in 2007 to help people lead healthier, more active lives. We have been thrilled by your response to our products, and are committed to customer satisfaction. Late last year, we began selling Fitbit Force, our most advanced activity tracker. Recently, some Force users have reported skin irritation. While only 1.7% of Force users have reported any type of skin irritation, we care about every one of our customers. On behalf of the entire Fitbit team, I want to apologize to anyone affected.

From the beginning, we have taken this matter very seriously. We hired independent labs and medical experts to conduct a thorough investigation. Here’s what we know:

  • Independent test results have not found any issues with the battery or electrical systems.
  • Test results show that users are likely experiencing allergic contact dermatitis.
  • All Force materials are commonly used in consumer products. However, some users may be reacting to the nickel present in the surgical grade stainless steel used in the device. Other users are likely experiencing an allergic reaction to the materials used in the strap or the adhesives used to assemble the product.

We have now learned enough to take further action. We have stopped selling Force and have decided to conduct a voluntary recall. We are offering a refund directly to consumers for full retail price. For additional information related to the recall, we have set up a dedicated page on our website and a call center at 888-656-6381.

To our Force community, rest assured we’re working on our next-generation tracker and will announce news about it soon.

Thank you for your continued loyalty and support.

Sincerely, James Park CEO & Co-Founder

Quelle Fitbit via iMore
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